Thursday, September 4, 2008


So, I though tI would write some today. I have nothing else to do until I can get to Office Depot tomorrow. So, I'm just killing some time. I have notcied that it's not just ME any more that has family problems. It's really sad that in-laws have to be so dispicable! It really is. How can they go from standing next to you in support at your wedding, to being so rude and cruel only months later? It's almost like sometimes they get too upset that they can't be the center of the world any more, and that for once in their lives someone is more important to them. I mean it's crazy it really is! I have such sympathy for my friends that go through this, and I never knew it could pose such a turmoil in your life until it happened to me! How can your sister-in-law side with a trashy homewrecker, and then when you've had enough of the crap and stand up for yourself, you get yelled at? It's so weird! I don't understand people. I remember when my brother was engaged to Lauren, at first I didn't like her, but I grew to love her because my brother did. Even though, they didn't make it, he still has strong feelings for her, and I would NEVER do anything to hurt her. That is just cruel. Plus I have a thing called RESPECT for my family members. There's been some times that even my parents have dated people I found to be distasteful, but, at the end of the day, that's my family, and supporting them and their choices is all that matters to me. My parents support my choice to be with my husband after all that we have gone through. It hasn't been a cake walk, as no marriage ever is, but you know what? My parents love ME so much that they haven't even said ONE derrogatory thing about my husband, because they know how much I LOVE HIM and would NEVER do anything to make him feel unloved by me or by them. They actually CARE if my marriage works. They WANT IT TO b/c I WANT IT TO. You know I never heard my mother or my father even when I was in tears and didn't think I could do it, ever tell me to leave Rick. They were always asking me if it was worth it, and how they thought I should stick with him because he is young and marriage takes work. This coming from two people who divorced after 20 years. They were still supportive of MY marriage and MY family. That's how families are SUPPOSE to be. It doesn't matter if you disagree with something that your sibling or child's significant other does, you still support them. You can find ways to address any issues you have with them without being cruel or hateful. It's stupid, and insane to treat someone "NEW" to your family like the biggest outsider ever. Like highschool all over again. I swear! It's like if you weren't there from the beginning then you don't deserve to be there through the end? No, that's not how it works. People can never TELL you WHO to love or HOW to love them. At the end of the day, all you have is family. I guess some people don't get that and never will. I have been very blessed to have the family that I do. We are all still very much involved in each other's lives and supportive. Heck, my mom and dad are best friends. When they have relationship problems they can sit outside in my dad's garage and talk about it, and lean on each other for support or ideas on how to fix things. That's AMAZING to me. That's family right there. Maybe we all could take a lesson from them, or at least some of us can!

P.S: I have started believing that the internet is the root of all that is evil. It's like you no longer have the right to say whatever you want without people getting all angry inside. Like my friend Apryle says,"it's my site my blog I can say whatever I want because I have freedom of speech. If you don't like it then don't visit my website." That is all so very true. If you don't like what people are saying about you, either A)don't go where you know you aren't liked or B)don't cause problems for people to blog about. It's that simple. I kind of almost in a way, feel that these sites were purposely made so that people could misconstrue them. I don't know, maybe I'm crazy, but some days I don't even want to write my thoughts because of what "others" might say or do. Then, I feel vendictive because I write my thoughts. So, it's a no win either way it goes. You either do it, or you don't, and wish you did. So, do you stay silent and keep the peace, or speak out and free your voice? Either way, you never win...


Ape said...

AMEN MOMMA!! its SAD that people are this way and the internet is the root of EVIL!! I mean people can act big and bad over the internet but if they were in person they wont say a damn thing!! Im always behind you no matter what!! COUGH COUGH and that baby im ready to meet!! haha And katy rocks my socks off too